10% discount to celebrate 'Welcome to Wrexham' series 2 Launch

10% discount to celebrate 'Welcome to Wrexham' series 2 Launch
10% discount to celebrate 'Welcome to Wrexham' series 2 Launch 
There's a new flicker of excitement in the air for fans of both football and captivating stories alike with Wrexham Football Club.  To mark the release of season 2 of the 'Welcome to Wrexham' documentary, we are excited to offer you an exclusive 10% discount on the Wrexham Candle between the 12th and 30th of September. Whether you're a football fan or not - we urge you to kick back, light a candle and watch the series!
Use code: WREXHAM2023 at checkout

Wrexham Football Club: A Beacon of Passion
For over a century, Wrexham Football Club has stood as a symbol of unwavering passion and dedication. Nestled in North East Wales, this club has seen triumphs, challenges, and historic moments that have shaped the course of football history. From its early beginnings as one of the first professional football clubs to its current Hollywood status, Wrexham FC has been a constant source of inspiration for its fans.
A Hollywood Twist: Reynolds and McElhenney's Acquisition
In a move that sent shockwaves through the sports world, Hollywood icons Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney acquired Wrexham FC in a bid to embark on a remarkable journey of their own. Their determination to celebrate the heritage and potential of the club (as well as Wales as a whole) is nothing short of inspiring. The duo's involvement goes beyond the boundaries of celebrity; it's a testament to the magic that happens when dreams meet ambition.
Introducing the Wrexham Candle: A Symbolic Glow
To celebrate this incredible journey, we're thrilled to introduce the Wrexham Candle.  Amidst this buzz, a delightful connection has emerged in the form of a fruity candle inspired by Wrexham's newfound energy. The candle's scent captures the essence of the town's spirit—fun and uplifting. Just as the football club's future shines brightly, the fruity candle infuses any space with a refreshing aroma that mirrors the optimism that now permeates Wrexham's air.
Special Offer: Illuminate and Save
As the excitement continues to build, we're offering an exclusive 10% discount on the Wrexham Candle to coincide with the launch of season 2 of the ''Welcome to Wrexham' documentary. It's our way of joining the celebration and sharing in the passion that defines Wrexham FC and its devoted supporters.
Light Up Your Space, Embrace the Spirit
Whether you're a die-hard fan of Wrexham FC or simply appreciate a great story of ambition and determination, the Wrexham Candle is a symbol of unity and resilience. It's a reminder that even amidst challenges, the flame of passion can guide us towards our goals. Illuminate your space with the Wrexham Candle and let its warm glow serve as a constant reminder of the incredible journey that Wrexham Football Club is embarking upon. Join us in celebrating the fusion of sports, dreams, and the unwavering human spirit. 
*Note: This special 10% discount is available for a limited time (until the end of September), so make sure to claim yours before it's too late. 

10% i ffwrdd I ddathlu lansiad cyfres 2 'Welcome to Wrexham'
Mae yna cyffro yn yr awyr i gefnogwyr pêl-droed Cymru! Mae cyfres 2 o 'Welcome to Wrexham' yn cychwyn ar y 12fed o Fedi 2023! I ddathlu rhyddhad tymor 2, rydym yn gyffrous i gynnig gostyngiad o 10% ar bob gannwyll Wrecsam rhwng y 12fed a'r 30ain o Fedi! P'un a ydych yn gefnogwr o bêl-droed ai peidio, rydym yn eich annog i'w wylio - mae'n potreu ein gwlad ni'n dda iawn ac yn hwb enfawr I Cymru a Chymreictod! 

Clwb Pêl-droed Wrecsam: 
Ers dros ganrif, mae Clwb Pêl-droed Wrecsam wedi sefyll fel symbol o angerdd ac ymroddiad. Wedi'I leoli yng Nghogledd Dwyrain Cymru, mae’r clwb hwn wedi gweld buddugoliaethau, heriau ac eiliadau hanesyddol sydd wedi llywio cwrs hanes pêl-droed. O’i ddechreuadau cynnar fel un o clybiau broffessiynol cyntaf erioed i, mae Wrecsam wedi bod yn ffynhonnell gyson o ysbrydoliaeth i’w gefnogwyr.
Twist Hollywood: Caffaeliad Reynolds a McElhenney
Mewn digwyddiad annisgwyl a anfonodd donnau sioc drwy'r byd chwaraeon, daeth yr eiconau Hollywood Ryan Reynolds a Rob McElhenney i berchen a Clwb Pel Dored Wrecsam mewn ymgais i godi drwy'r rhengoedd y cyngrair Pel Droed. Mae eu penderfyniad i ddathlu treftadaeth a photensial y clwb yn ysbrydoledig, ac wedi sbarduno bwrlwm yn y dinas. 

Cannwyll Wrecsam
I ddathlu’r daith anhygoel hon, rydym yn falch iawn o gyflwyo Cannwyll Wrecsam. Gyda chyfuniad o arogleuon sy'n sbardino hiraeth o gwylio gemau'n y 'Racecourse' a chyffro'r gêmau pel droed, mae'r gannwyll hon yn fwy nag eitem addurniadol yn unig - mae'n deyrnged i galon ac enaid Wrecsam.
Cynnig Arbennig
Wrth i'r cyffro barhau i gynyddu, rydym yn cynnig gostyngiad unigryw o 10% ar Gannwyll Wrecsam i gyd-fynd â lansiad tymor 2 'Welcome to Wrexham'. Dyma'n ffordd ni o ymuno â'r dathlu a rhannu'r angerdd yn Wrecsam ar hyn o bryd.
P'un a ydych chi'n gefnogwr frwd o Glwb Pêl-droed Wrecsam neu'n dim ond eisiau dilyn stori uchelgeisiol perchnogion o Hollywood, gwyliwch y gyfres 'Welcome to Wrexham'. Mae'n ein hatgoffa, hyd yn oed ynghanol heriau, y gall fflam angerdd ein harwain tuag at ein targedau. 

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